Privacy and confidentiality

  1. Where’s your head at counselling utilises a client-centred, solution-focused model to provide support and assist with a range
    of social and mental health concerns.
  2. Time parameters: Counselling sessions run approximately 60 minutes, and time is taken towards the end of sessions to
    check in with you to bring the session back to a safe emotional space, prior to ending each session.
  3. Confidentiality and Record Keeping: Case notes and records of sessions are kept as a requirement of Ethical Practice and
    to ensure consistency of practice throughout subsequent counselling sessions.

Where’s your head at Counselling Services observe the privacy and confidentiality requirements that adhere to federal and state
laws, and ethical standards outlined by the peak professional bodies. These requirements outline that all information obtained in
counselling sessions (including information obtained in written form) is kept confidential and will not be disclosed to any external
parties without your consent.

Some limits to this confidentiality are as follows:

Exceptions to Confidentiality:

  • The counsellor may speak to a Clinical Supervisor regarding session content; however, all information will be de-identified and anonymous for this process.
  • If there is evidence of clear and imminent danger of harm to self-and/or others, the counsellor is legally required to report this information to the authorities responsible for ensuring safety.
  • If there is a suspected risk to someone under the age of 18 years, the counsellor is legally required to report this information to the authorities responsible for ensuring safety.
  • A valid court order, issued by a judge, may require the Counsellor to release information contained in records and/or require a Counsellor to testify in a court hearing.

All efforts will be made to notify you in case of confidentiality breach, and any breach will only include minimum required